When searching for you newest family member, you will want to visit and interview each terrier breeder who interests you. This will give you a strong initial impression of the way that each particular breeder operates during the sales process, and during the all important post sale and follow up periods. Don’t feel surprised or intimidated, however, should you find yourself on the receiving end of a good bunch of questions, as many reputable breeders adhere to a strict screening process with each potential buyer, especially for the more rare breeds of terrier. Breeder ethics, either to the good or the bad, should be made obvious to you from the onset of each conversation.
The American Kennel Club is likely to have a very current and thorough listing of breeders by area, if you seek a local terrier breeder. This is usually a good rule of thumb, unless you are importing a puppy from a renowned and well established terrier breeder. In most cases, it is recommended that you visit the premises before agreeing to purchase stock from a kennel. You will be best informed if you choose to investigate the living conditions, feeding methods, kennel accommodations, and socialization techniques used by the breeder. These early days and weeks are very important ones in the emotional and physical development of puppies, and the expertise with which the terrier breeder guides this phase will prove to make a great difference in both the health and happiness of the pups.
Should you choose to import a terrier dog from another city, state, or country and you are unable to view the kennel premises and meet the breeder in person, you may want to consider asking for at least 4 references from past clients. A reputable terrier breeder will keep good records of all past transactions and sales, and will be glad to provide you with whatever information you desire. The dangers of dealing with a breeder who is either not established or unorganized can be many.
Many people find that their hearts override their judgment when it comes to taking puppies home. If you should come across a kennel facility which is substandard or run neglectfully, it is recommended that you notify the proper authorities as quickly as possible. Some buy puppies from these unfit breeders either because they are cost effective or because they just don’t want to leave them there, but this is not a recommended procedure. Giving these substandard and neglectful breeders encouragement to carry on a financially viable breeding ring is not the best method of ceasing this type of behavior. We want to discourage the business of breeding for financial gain, and encourage the vision of breeders who strive for the health and betterment of a breed that they love.